Dissertation Prize

Since 2004, the AGF has awarded a prize of € 1,000.00 every two years for the best dissertation dealing with a subject of British politics or the history of Great Britain, the Empire or the Commonwealth. Graduates of German universities can apply for the prize.

Due to the Corona-pandemic the award ceremony 2020 has been postponed to 2021.

The dissertation must have been submitted to the responsible department and reviewed at the time of application (if necessary, the reviews may be submitted later). The date of acceptance of the dissertation may not be longer than 2 years after. Applications can be made by the supervisors or by the authors themselves. The call for applications will take place in the late summer through the internet portal for historians H-Soz-u-Kult and on the “News” page of the German Association for Political Science (DVPW).

Applications must be submitted with the necessary documents (a copy of the work, copies of readers’ reports – as electronic documents) to the chairwoman of the AGF:

Prof. Dr. Christine Krüger (University of Bonn, Institute of historical studies); eMail: cgk[at]uni-bonn.de or via: info[at]agf-britishstudies.de.

Prize Winner 2023

Dr. Tom Menger: The Colonial Way of War: Extreme violence in knowledge and practice of colonial warfare in the British, German and Dutch colonial empires, c. 1890-1914

Prize winner in 2021: Dr. Reet Tamme
for her dissertation “Wissenschaft und race relations. Repräsentationen von Multiethnizität in Großbritannien von den 1950er bis zum Ende der 1970er Jahre”

Prize winner in 2018: Dr. Maren Jung-Diestelmeier
for her dissertation “Das verkehrte England. Visuelle Stereotype auf Postkarten und deutsche Selbstbilder 1899-1918”

Prize winner in 2016: Dr. Miriam Weiss
for her dissertation “Die Chronica maiora des Matthaeus Parisiensis. Arbeitsweise – Darstellung – Prozesshaftigkeit”

Prize winner in 2014: Dr. Julia Fleischer
for her dissertation “Policy Advice and Institutional Politics: A Comparative Analysis of Germany and Britain”

Prize winner in 2012: Dr. Bernhard Dietz
for his dissertation “Neo-Tories. Britische Konservative im Aufstand gegen Demokratie und politische Moderne”

Prize winner in 2010: Dr. Peter Pirker
for his dissertation “Most difficult to tackle’?: Intelligence, Exil und Widerstand am Beispiel der Austrian Section von SOE”

Prize winner in 2008: Dr. Jörg Neuheiser
for his dissertation “‘Popular Conservatism’ in England: Plebejischer Konservatismus in Politik, Alltags- und Festkultur, 1815-1867”

Prize winner in 2006: Dr. Sonja Levsen
for her dissertation “”Führer der Nation”. Der Erste Weltkrieg und die Konstruktion studentischer Identitäten in Tübinger Verbindungen und Cambridger Colleges, 1900-1929″

Prize winner in 2004: Dr. Hans-Joachim Knopf
for his dissertation “Britain and European Integration between 1950 and 1993: Towards a European Identity? Continuity and Change in the Contstructions of British Nation-State Identity with regard to European Unity and British Visions of European Political Order”